Friday, January 11, 2019

Bach by Leonard Cline

Cline's poem "Bach" appeared in the February 1921 issue of The Liberator. In a 1925 article on "The Lineage of God Head," detailing what went into the making of his first novel, Cline noted his earlier poem "Bach":

In a time of great personal distress I found comfort in the fugues of Bach on the piano and the fugues of eternity on the skies. I bought texts on astronomy and watched Arcturus give way to Vega as mistress of the night and flaming Mars hunt Venus down in the west.  The first result of that experience was a poem called "Bach" which was printed in The Liberator. And into God Head went Wain and Swan, Polaris and the Pleiades, and all the tragic eventualities of the heavens.

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